Better late then never they say... so here are my version of Valentine cookies.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day! I made my boyfriend some tasty heart cookies, and you should definitely try these out for any occasion.  They are a simple yet scrumptious treat. I cut them into heart shapes but you could cut them into any shape you want. The dough is a simple sugar cookie, and you can decorate them as you wish.  A great way to get children involved is to get them to help you out with the decorating! 

"I Love You' Vanilla Cookies:
1 2/3 Cup Flour 
2/3 Cup Butter 
2/3 Sugar 
1 Tsp Vanilla 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease two cookie sheets 

2. Add ingredients in order as listed 

3. Roll dough into two balls and refrigerate for an hour minimum

4. On a floured surface roll out the dough. Using cookie cutters cut out the dough into desired shapes. Place on cookie sheets and bake for 15-20 minutes.

5. Let cool on cooling racks. Wait till cookies are completely cooled before decorated. Add icing, sprinkles and candy.
                                       Here is the recipe for the icing I used:

 2/3 Cups Soften Butter 
4 Cups Icing Sugar
2 Tbs Milk 
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract 
4 Drops of food coloring 

1. Mix butter and icing sugar together until combined well

2. Add milk and vanilla mix until a thick paste and add in food coloring 

                                 H a v e F u n D e c o r a t i n g!

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